I got cast in something. Probably. A couple of things actually. I'm still waiting to hear back from several sources. Potential thing #1: The New Testament film project being produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (AKA, the Mormons). I'm not sure how much I can give away (though honestly, they haven't said, "Keep this on the DL", so I can probably spill all, but I'll err on the side of caution here) but I've been submitted for a role and am now awaiting approval from "The Brethren". I should know about that in a week or so. Potential thing #2: I auditioned to play a call-center employee (for which I feel especially qualified) and they loved my audition, and put me on "avail" (which in biz speak means "Hey, we want you to be in this project, make sure you're available for these dates"). They left me a message telling me as much, and I left them a message telling them that was fine. I haven't heard anything from them since. Potential thing #3: Bayside High School Musical. That's right folks, someone took our favorite teen sitcom and turned it into a 60-ish-minute musical extravaganza. Yours truly will be playing this guy: That is, if I'm not filming for the church. See, it's a theater production in Burbank during the months of August, September, and October. It performs every Wednesday night. They have no understudies. So first I have to find out about the New Testament and make sure I won't be in Utah on a Wednesday during those months (I know about a thousand questions just popped into your head regarding the shoot schedule of the New Testament, unfortunately I cannot, at the present juncture, answer any of them). So as soon as I find out about one, I'll know about the other. In the meantime, you can wait with bated breath alongside me to see what the future might hold. :)
So, I don't need to be this guy: Heck, I don't even need to be this guy: I just want to ride my scooter around town without feeling my belly jiggle every time I hit a bump. Am I reaching for the starts here? I didn't think so.
Anyone want to sponsor a personal trainer for me? |
I am...Pursuing my dreams, living on faith, and I don't think Crocs are ugly. Archives
January 2012